Wednesday, December 1, 2010


Okay, so day counting is not working this month! I have quite a few things on the go but I can't share them because they are Christmas gifts. So, I'll just be willy nilly for a few more weeks!
This project, however, HAD to be done STAT , so I thought I would share it.

Here's the state of my winter coat circa a few days ago.
Missing a button and the remaining buttons were in rough shape!

Oh, and it's pretty wrinkled.

These are old macrame beads.

I thought they'd make groovy buttons!

The finished product! I think it's an improvement. Still a little wrinkled but the new buttons make it a little more polished and that feels better for the wearer (aka ME!).

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Day 14-Feathers!

I was inspired on a recent craft fair outing to try making feathery hair pieces! I could only find a few feather colours so these are 2 very similar. I am going to hunt down some peacock feathers and make some more!

This is stitched to an elastic headband.

I attached this one to an over sized barrette.
These were REALLY fun! However, the dye from the feathers soaked into my hands and I can't get it out!

Friday, November 26, 2010

Day 12-13 feet of pure jolly.

I did it! I finished the garland. Stinging beads is a truly meditative activity. I find it hard to pull myself away from it. I may have to make some more of this!

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Day 11 - Garland part 1

I am finally finished stringing this section of my garland project! My plan is to string about 3 or 4 sections, each section being different. This way, as it winds around the tree it will look like I've put on a few strands. I think this will fit with our Christmas tree's non theme theme!

I will stick to the red and green theme for the main stretches of each garland and change up the feature beads.

See you tomorrow!

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Day 10-Not finished!

Making beaded garland has been in the back of my mind for the past year. Finally, yesterday, I started stringing it! I think it will take a few days so I will finish it and then post it!

Monday, November 22, 2010

On the ninth day...more Christmas!

When I received these giant golden earrings (they originally had smaller gold circles on top) I KNEW they were meant for something special.

The necklaces I made have never felt quite right-

The necklaces I made from the top parts of these earrings have both sold. I guess these ones just haven't found their rightful place in this world.


Sunday, November 21, 2010

Day 8 = more birds!

I am sure that this was considered very pretty when it was made but I am afraid I can't live with the the plastic leaves! Not to mention that balding birds have seen better days!

The nest, however, looked pretty good to me and I still had birds left in the Sally Ann bag so I thought I would "Christmas up" the branches the kids and I "planted" in a flower pot and decorate according to our whims throughout the year.

Here's a more up to date, festive bird's nest.

I looked up pictures of Cardinal's nests and I have to say that while this is not an exact replica, it's close enough! I guess it should be a bit messier and made of twigs but I think this particular cardinal looks very comfy in his new nest! Beats living in a plastic bag...